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4 Steps to Proper Post Workout Recovery

4 Steps to Proper Post Workout Recovery

Most gym-goers believe that the key to making the most of their workouts is training hard, day in and day out. Though intense exercise is essential, if you don’t give your body a chance to recover between sessions, you’ll be setting yourself up for a great setback....
Can Foam Rolling Really Get Rid of Cellulite?

Can Foam Rolling Really Get Rid of Cellulite? article by Kristin Canning The short answer: sort of. Using a foam roller is a proven way to loosen tight muscles, speed recovery after a tough workout, and prevent injuries. Lately, though, we’ve been hearing about another big benefit of rolling out:...
Self-Care: Good for the Body, Good for Business

Self-Care: Good for the Body, Good for Business

  The stress of working from home, sitting at a computer all day, and meetings can play havoc on the body and the mind. What is the answer? Self-care. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can perform at the highest level possible, prevent disease,...
Recess at Work

Recess at Work

Who doesn’t like to have fun, especially at work? One way to have fun and take care of our mind and body is to take a recess. Remember back to elementary school when we took a morning and afternoon recess. We ran around, played, stretched our muscles, socialized with...
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, Get Your Recess Rolling!

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, Get Your Recess Rolling!

  So what is all the hype about rolling at work? We know the benefits of self-care, foam rolling, and self-myofascial release are endless: better posture, increased range of motion and flexibility, increased productivity, reduced muscle tension and muscle knots,...
Why We Need to Get Rolling at Work

Why We Need to Get Rolling at Work

  The benefits of rolling and incorporating self-myofascial release techniques at work are unlimited. Let’s take a look at some contributing causes of muscle tension and pain, and how the Get your Recess Rolling program can help your office athletes. Many of us...
4 Steps to Proper Post Workout Recovery

4 Steps to Proper Post Workout Recovery

Most gym-goers believe that the key to making the most of their workouts is training hard, day in and day out. Though intense exercise is essential, if you don’t give your body a chance to recover between sessions, you’ll be setting yourself up for a great setback....
Why You Should Never Skip a Warm-Up

Why You Should Never Skip a Warm-Up

When you have to work out but are pressed for time, skipping the warm-up seems reasonable. But little did you know that those few extra minutes you spend warming up are very important both for your performance and overall health. As marathon season is just around the...
The Foam Roll Routine

The Foam Roll Routine

As endurance athletes, we are innately stubborn people. We’ll be the first to argue with anyone that tells us we can’t do something, find exhilaration in pushing our bodies to find new limits, and seeking thrill when we push the line of that limit again and again. So,...