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Muscle Knots in Quadriceps

Muscle Knots in Quadriceps

Tools That Can Help Ease Quad Pain The Original™ 18″ $39.99 The Roadster™ 11″ $34.99 Tiger Ball® 5.0 $28.99 Tiger Ball® 2.6 Massage-on-a-Rope® $28.99 The Long One™ 22″ $44.99 Happy Muscles® Book...
Welcome to the Happy Muscles Blog

Welcome to the Happy Muscles Blog

At one point or another, we all experience muscle pain. When that happens, we want the quick fix. We want to recline in our La-Z-Boy chair, take a magic pill, and watch our favorite show. Unfortunately, there’s no magic pill. There’s no fancy magnetic bracelet that...
Posture Makes Perfect

Posture Makes Perfect

Envision this: You go to the gym to lift. You grab an open squat rack, get your weight set, and position yourself in front of the mirror. You make sure to progress through the squat with your back slightly extended or perfectly neutral, pushing your hips back as you...