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If you are someone who regularly performs back workouts, you probably already know that it is not unusual to experience muscle knots after you have finished with your exercise routine. The worst part about it is that the aches and pains from these knots can last for hours or even days, leaving you in agony and wondering whether it is even worth it to continue with your workout plan.

However, a little knowledge about muscle knots may help you to continue with your exercising without having to worry about intense pain when you are done!

What is a muscle knot?

Contrary to its name, a muscle knot is not an actual knot that has formed in your muscle tissue – since muscles aren’t able to physically tie themselves into knots. Muscle knots, also known as myofascial trigger points, are actually the areas within your muscles that are prone to extreme irritation from overuse or repetitious tensing. These spots can then cause you pain because there isn’t enough blood flowing to the inflamed tissue.

Exercise is, unfortunately, one of the biggest contributors to muscles knots in your back since you are doing continuous repetitions in one set, making your muscles more prone to overuse. And, many times you are performing several sets in one session – which only exacerbates the problem. If you like to use a cable machine during your workouts, you are unfortunately more susceptible to suffer from muscle knots because it is so easy to use the wrong form when pulling down on the cable bar.

But as bad as muscle knots can be, there are several things you can do to get relief from the pain.

Ways To Take Care Of Muscle Knot Pain

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that it needs a break. Thus, one of the simplest ways to take care of a muscle knot is to just rest. This means that you should refrain from using the cable machine or doing other forms of back exercises for a few days so that your body has a chance to adequately heal.

Applying heat is another great way to help you feel better when you’re suffering from a muscle knot. Heat helps to speed up blood circulation to the affected area while also relaxing the muscles that are stiff.

Getting a massage is a third method that can help you with a muscle knot in your back. A massage aids in relief because it not only lessens tension, but it also targets the affected group of muscles by applying pressure directly where the knot is located.

There are various self-massage products on the market that can help you with muscle knot pain. For example, the Tiger Tail USA Happy Muscles Kit contains everything you need to successfully get rid of your muscle knots. The package includes four different tools that are designed to bring you relief.

First, there is the Classic 18” Tiger Tail Hand-Held Foam Roller, which allows you to zone in on specific areas on your body while controlling the amount of pressure you apply as well.

The second tool is the Tiger Ball Massage-on-a-Rope, which helps you to penetrate deeply into your muscle knots.

The third is the Knotty Tiger, a tool that fits into your hand and can knock out any knots in your back and neck.

Finally, there is the Happy Muscles self-help guide, which will help you to identify the particular muscle that is causing your pain and give you great tips on how to target that specific area.

While muscle knots are indeed painful, they don’t have to signal the end of your active lifestyle since there are many ways to help you get some much-needed relief!

Author Bio: Rudy Dew is a world traveler and the editor of the fitness blog