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So what is all the hype about rolling at work? We know the benefits of self-care, foam rolling, and self-myofascial release are endless: better posture, increased range of motion and flexibility, increased productivity, reduced muscle tension and muscle knots, reduced health-care costs, relieves stress, and have fun at work.

Sitting for extended periods, lack of stretching and movement, and lack of hydration can cause the fascia and muscles of the body to become tight leading to myofascial dysfunction.

The foundation of foam rolling at work is simple. Foam rolling uses continuous pressure to release the soft tissues of the body. These soft tissues include fascia, muscle, and tendons. Other benefits of foam rolling at work include warming up muscles before starting the workday or after lunch, stretching muscles after sitting for extended periods, and restoring normal muscle function after being hunched over a computer (Hendricks, Hill, H., den Hollander, Lombard, & Parker, 2020).

What is fascia and why does it matter? Fascia can be thought of as a continuous sheath of connective tissue that binds and holds the muscles, organs, arteries, and other tissues of the body together that runs from head to toe throughout the body (Simons, D.G. & Travel, J.D., 1993). Fascia can become tight and develop adhesions that cause dysfunction of the body. Sitting for extended periods, lack of stretching and movement, lack of hydration, and stress can cause the fascia and muscles of the body to become tight leading to myofascial dysfunction. The Get Your Recess Rolling program encourages taking active breaks to roll, keeping your fascia and muscles happy.

Foam rolling uses continuous pressure to release fascia, stretch out the muscles, and relax tight tendons. This activity can increase range of motion and flexibility, reduce muscle tension and muscle knots, and relieve stress.

Using self-myofascial release tools is a great way to release fascia, stretch out the muscles, and relieve stress. Get Your Recess Rolling includes tools designed specifically for self-myofascial release. The tools are designed so self-myofascial release can be performed, head-to-toe, without assistance from someone else. We will show you how to use the Get Your Recess Rolling tools and how to have fun while practicing self-care.



Hendricks, S., Hill, H., den Hollander, S., Lombard, W.,&  Parker, R. (2020). Effects of foam rolling on performance and recovery: A systematic review of the literature to guide practitioners on the use of foam rolling. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 24(2), pp. 151-175.

Simons, D.G., & Travell, J.D. (1993). Travell & Simons’ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual, The Lower Extremities. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins.